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Barra da Tijuca
- (21) 3149-2817
- (21) 2439-2817
- (21) 98153-3272
- Av. das Américas, 3555. Block 1, Room 308. Barra da Tijuca - RJ.
- Waze Directions
- (21) 98153-3272
- Desembargador Izidro Street, 18. Room 706. Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro. CEP.: 22521-160.
- Waze Directions
“Dr. Joseph has a care and attention with my son, it is wonderful. I trust with my eyes closed!”

“Beyond competence and caring for his patients, Dr. Joseph is always reassuring us in what are the most difficult times in a mother’s life.”

“Dr. Joseph is an excellent pediatrician and has been taking care of our two daughters for 6 years, always with great attention and efficiency.”
